SNU Almoner

The SNU supports Spiritualists…

Below is the official blurb, the truth may be very different from what we hear from you about this enigmatic minister who receives praise from others. We have asked Marion Bishop for comment but are told she doesn’t respond to anything unless approved by the General Secretary, Charles £60,000 a year Coulston.

The SNU endeavours to keep in contact with its elderly, infirm and sick workers who have withdrawn from active involvement in the movement. In order to do this it appoints an almoner who coordinates the service nationally, regionally, and at church level. The Almoner maintains a database of people likely to benefit from this service and allocates appropriate people to keep in contact, by telephone, by mail or even by occasionally visiting them.

If you know someone who used to be active in Spiritualism who now finds this difficult, perhaps they are housebound or isolated by illness then the SNU would like to reach out to them. Let the Union know of these people, inform the local church, inform your district, and inform the SNU Almoner.

Contact details:-

Minister Marian Bishop
21 Sandgate Road

Tel: 0117 977 1629

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